This Week’s Hull FC Key-Worker Heroes

This Week’s Hull FC Key-Worker Heroes

Every Monday during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be featuring some of our Hull FC Key-Worker Heroes – supporters working on the front-line to keep the country running, nominated by you, in association with Atropa Pharmacy.

Club News

Every Monday during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be featuring some of our Hull FC Key-Worker Heroes – supporters working on the front-line to keep the country running, nominated by you, in association with Atropa Pharmacy.

Sammi Leigh Evans (Nomainted by Joanne Evans)

I would like to nominate my amazing daughter working flat out as a mobile carer, providing essential care for vulnerable people in their own homes.

Every day she risks exposure to COVID-19 coming into close contact with numerous vulnerable people to provide the vital care they need. She gets really attached to her clients and has several times been in tears when sadly she loses them.

Only very recently her boss rang her to pass on a message from a family mourning the loss of their loved one to say that this old gentleman had loved Sammi and would they thank her for taking care of him in his last few weeks.

On top of this she also takes care of her grandparents doing bits of shopping during the week and popping in for a quick chat (at a safe social distance) during her short breaks.

We don’t say it enough but we are really proud of how she is coping with this terrible situation.

Sue Bowering (Nominated by Gemma Jamieson)

Sue follows Hull FC wherever you go and always calls you her boys/heroes! I think she has met a couple of you on a beach in Australia a couple of years ago which made her holiday.

She works in the radiology department at Castle Hill Hospital and she is a front-line key worker doing all the patients x-rays. She has recently tested positive for Coronavirus and has had to leave work for a while, however she should be back at work this week.

Sue has had a rough couple of years herself with but she has beat her illness and is one of the strongest people I know.

Sue, you are an inspiration and a fantastic colleague and key worker! I am so proud of you and just would like to say stay safe and keep being you!

Dave Staples (Nominated by Christine Little)

My hero’s name is Dave Staples. We are living in Blackpool at the moment and, although he isn’t a teacher, he  works his backside off as a Pupil Engagement Officer for a large primary school in a deprived area of Blackpool.

He works alongside his teaching colleagues providing a familiar, calming and welcoming attitude to those children considered to be vulnerable. He makes calls to children and parents in lockdown, delivers food parcels and vouchers and has now been given the duty of collecting and dropping children unable to get into school.

Dave hails from Hull (only leaving to spend 23 yrs in the Army) and has been a die-hard supporter of Hull FC all of his life – partly due to his dad having played for Hull FC in the 50s. He gets through to Hull often to support his team, even getting to Perpignan in April 2019.
Just want to send a message of support to ALL staff that work in schools (not just the teachers). You’re all doing a brilliant job!

Lauren Turner (Nominated by Nick Symonds)

I’d like to nominate my missus as a front-line hero. Her name is Lauren Turner and has been a pass holder for many years.

She works in a care home for the elderly, many who contracted COVID-19 and sadly passed away. She had to look after them in their final hours of their lives when family members were not permitted to be by their sides.

I couldn’t think of anything worse. She even volunteered for extra shifts to look after these people, even though she had a family at home.

She would love a mention in some shape or form as like us all she is Hull FC mad.

Andrew Millwood (Nominated by Lois Millwood)

My dad Andrew Millwood is a volunteer the ambulance service and is still working in the stressful times, taking patient to and from hospitals. He takes babies to the elderly every day, working very hard making sure they are okay and getting to hospitals on time and home and making sure they are safe at all times.

The reason why I have nominated him as he works very hard and passionate about his job, he also work early hours in the morning until late at night. He my inspiration and my dad who I love lots.

Lauren Steele (Nominated by Daniel Steele)

I’d like to nominate my Wife Lauren Steele. She is an out of hours Emergency Duty Social Worker for Lancashire Council.  Although she lives & works on the wrong side of the country she is a massive Hull FC fan and member.

She has started working from home instead of the office but this hasn’t stopped her doing her important job. She is out checking on the welfare of children & adults as needed without question.

With the extra complications to her role of visiting families with this virus, I’m not quite sure how she keeps going and keeps smiling but she does and is continuing to do an amazing job no matter what is thrown her way.

Me & the boys love you loads and are so proud of the work you do.


To nominate a Hull FC Key-Worker Hero, please email with the following details:

  • Tell us their full name and give us a few details about their job role.
  • Let us know what inspiring work they’ve been doing during the COVID-19 pandemic, and tell us why you have nominated them.
  • Send us a message of support for your family member/friend so they know that we’re thinking of them.
  • Attach some photos of them either at work, or supporting the Black & Whites.