Captain Houghton Provides Insight Into Training Return

Captain Houghton Provides Insight Into Training Return

Club captain Danny Houghton has provided an insight into the club’s first week back in training, and believes the attitude of the squad in recent days will put them in a strong position going forward into the challenges of the restructured Betfred Super League campaign.

Club News

Club captain Danny Houghton has provided an insight into the club’s first week back in training, and believes the attitude of the squad in recent days will put them in a strong position going forward into the challenges of the restructured Betfred Super League campaign.

The first-team squad returned to the Jacuzzi Elite Performance Centre on Monday after a four month break, with Houghton enjoying the break by spending time with loved ones, but now is pleased to be back amongst the playing group with fixtures less than three weeks away.

Speaking to, Houghton said: “It’s been great to be back in. I’ve enjoyed some time off with the family over the last few months but it’s fantastic to be in the company of the boys once again, even though it is a bit of a different environment to what we are used to.

“But to get a little bit of normality back is really pleasing and the spirits have been really high so far this week.

“It was like we haven’t been away when we all met up on Monday morning. It means we can crack right back on and have a really good dig over the next few weeks.”

Like interim head coach Andy Last suggested earlier in the week, Houghton believes the break has given the squad time to reflect, including him personally.

“In a strange way, the break has given everyone chance to reflect, especially for myself.

“It has been a chance to hit the reset button – personally I don’t think I was performing as well as I could in those opening games but this break has really freshened me up and given me that drive to go again.”

On Last, who has been at the club throughout Houghton’s progression through from Academy to captain, he added: “I have had Andy as an academy coach so he has been here all the way through, and he always sets high standards from the playing group.

“Whether that be discipline, application during training, or anything else. I’m not saying it wasn’t there already but I think he has just reiterated that he isn’t afraid to come down hard on people if you don’t meet them standards that he expects. The first three days have seen a really high standard which sets a good example.”

The FC captain believes the biggest challenge for the squad going forward is taking on the mental challenge of a huge fixture build-up, and utilising the depth of the squad to the best of it’s ability.

“The biggest challenge for us as a team is getting the best out of our full squad.

“We’re going to have to utilise everyone in that team now. There are going to be periods where players don’t play, but when you’re called upon you have to be ready to come in and do the right job. It is going to be a season where squad mentality is so important because there will be periods where we’re up against it in terms of so many games in quick succession, but if we keep that good mentality, we will come out on top.

“It is going to be a mental and physical challenge playing three games in a week for example, but we’ve put ourselves in a good place so far to take that on.”

On the new practicalities of training at the Jacuzzi Elite Performance Centre, although admitting there were nerves at the start, he has every confidence in the club to keep the squad safe, adding:”You have a time slot for when you need to arrive for your temperature reading done.

“There is a one way system in place and you need to sanitize as you enter the facility. On a personal level, I was a bit anxious at the begining with my son having a heart defect, and my partner currently being pregnant too, but the way the club have gone about the precautions is really reassuring that the environment is safe.

“We’re working in smaller groups and cleaning the equipment down after we use it. Everyone is going about this the right way.”