A Message From Club Chaplin, Reverend Tony Cotson

A Message From Club Chaplin, Reverend Tony Cotson

As we approach the final weeks of 2020, Club Chaplin Reverend Tony Cotson has reflected on a challenging year for all, and offers a message of hope as we head into the new year.

Club News

As we approach the final weeks of 2020, Club Chaplin Reverend Tony Cotson has reflected on a challenging year for all, and offers a message of hope as we head into the new year.

“Gerrum onside referee” is a plea from the terraces that can usually be heard by the time of our third set of six. It always brings knowing smiles and laughter from the East Stand regulars who sit near me.

In a strange way, we have become accustomed to a similar plea from our regular Government TV briefings about maintaining distances during the Covid pandemic – “social distancing” we know it as. A phrase that will last in the memory long after this season has passed.

It’s brought monumental change to our sport and our lives. In many ways it has put priorities into context. We have lost too many loved ones since the start of the first lockdown and being distanced from loved ones at the time of their passing has only served to compound the grief of loss.

Many of you will know, as a club our final home game each season is dedicated to the Black and White Faithful who have passed away during the last year. Photographs are displayed on the stadium screens along with heartwarming messages. I’m always touched by the way the terraces fall silent as the screen images bring back memories of happier days, then after the Old Faithful anthem fades the crowd as one begin their applause.

We also missed our Annual Sunday morning memorial that is held the same weekend. Another moving occasion when families come together to remember and give thanks, this is often supported by club staff and player appearances, a reminder that we are the FC family. Hopefully we will be over the virus restrictions by this time next year when we will remember two years of loved ones who have passed “beyond the final whistle.”

Our annual November Remembrance Day memorial was also a low key occasion with myself and Lisa Jewitt who chairs the FC Voices, laying the poppy wreath on behalf of the club and the fans at the Jack Harrison Memorial.

I write during the season of Advent, a time of preparation, as we await God’s gift to the world, his son Jesus. A season of hope during the dark months of winter. The good news is that God is not socially distanced from us in our time of need, he came to us as a child, to be one like us, and he shares our pain and our loss in times of grief.

For many, the vaccine will be their most awaited gift this Christmas time and then a new year awaits, a new season, a new coach and a return to the KCOM. That’s the great thing about our game, the chance of a fresh start … but some things will never change “Gerrum on side referee!”

Every blessing for Christmas and a happy, healthy new year to all the faithful.

Rev Tony Cotson – Club Chaplain.