Brett Hodgson On… Mindset

Brett Hodgson On… Mindset

Part Two of Hull FC Live’s in-depth interview with Brett Hodgson

Club News

Brett Hodgson believes it is important for the players to return to pre-season training with a refreshed mindset following a period of transition at the club.

Following a mentally draining year both on and off the field, the Hull FC squad will get ready to do it all over again when they return for pre-season training on Monday 4th January.

With Hodgson excited to address the squad as a whole next week, he stressed the importance of the break the players have had.

“After such a long season, I think that the players need to come back in and see that the place is different,” Hodgson told Hull FC Live.

“We have made some changes around staffing and also some changes around the gymnasium, so if they can see the place is nice and fresh, it means that they can start with a reset mindset coming into 2021.

“I think 2020 has been such a hard year for everybody, with Covid restrictions and the whole world being shut down as it has done.

“I think going into next year, we need to make everything fresh and really set a standard for what we want to achieve going forward.

“It’s important that the players enjoy the break that they are on, get chance to spend time with their families when they can, restrictions permitting.

“We’ll meet as a squad on Monday 4th January and really hit the ground running then.

“It’s crucial that when the players come back on Monday, mentally they are ready to go again.

“It’s been such a daunting year for everybody in the world, so if the players come back in too early, they’ll come in with a negative mindset.

“So we want them to come in at the start of a new year ready to rip in and take us to a different level.

“We are all trying to achieve success here at the club and we are trying to reach a level that we haven’t necessarily been at for a couple of years, so re-igniting that flame is important.”

When the players report to the Jacuzzi® Elite Performance Centre on Monday, they will be addressed by Hodgson, who will set out his key messages on day one of pre-season training.

“The key messages will be to make sure that we raise our standards as individuals and as a collective,” he said.

“Led by the staff, we need to make sure that we are showing the way.

“And also really trying to get consistent in all of our actions. I think we have been only worrying about the results, rather than the processes it takes to get there.

“Consistency in actions on the field, in the gym, with preparation around nutrition and recovery. We’ll definitely try and make sure that the players know we are going to a different level.”

You can watch the full in-depth interview with Brett Hodgson here