Ellis Gives Insight Into New Defensive Role

Ellis Gives Insight Into New Defensive Role

Assistant coach Gareth Ellis has given an insight into his new role within the first-team setup

Club News

Assistant coach Gareth Ellis has given an insight into his new role within the first-team setup, and explained his aims and ambitions as the coaching staff’s latest addition. 

Ellis, who will have a main focus on defense in his role, has been in the position since the arrival of new head coach Brett Hodgson, and is looking to use his influence and experiences within the game to better the first-team squad’s defensive resolve.

The Black & Whites are now into their seventh week of pre-season, with the Betfred Super League campaign due to get underway on March 28th for the Airlie Birds against Huddersfield.

Speaking to hullfc.com, Ellis said: “It’s very different to what I’m used to and it’s a case of getting used to the role and the lifestyle changes that come with that. 

“It means a little bit longer hours and a bit more to think about too compared with being a player. I’ve been learning a lot and trying to get my head around the more technical and tactical side of things; for example, I haven’t paid much attention to how a winger should defend during my playing career. It has been a real learning curve but one I am really enjoying.”

He continued: “Having been at the club for so long and involved in the sport for so long at some successful sides, it’s now about tapping into some of those things I’ve have done in those periods, whether that be Hull, Leeds, Wests, and look back on those and try and implement them into what we’re doing here and now.”

Ellis’ key focus in his assistant’s role is defence, and described his ambitions to help improve the squad’s defensive efforts in 2021 by encouraging the traits he himself possessed as a player.

“My focus is around defence, and it’s more the attitude towards defence than anything. I want us to be a team that is aggressive and dominant, and have the traits that I valued in myself as a player, and respected in the players around me. 

“Having that work-ethic and willingness to cover your mates back is key too – all those things that aren’t necessarily tactical but require a little bit of effort. Sometimes it’s about having the mindset to do those things.

“We improved in that area in the latter part of last season and that was down to putting more emphasis on our defensive side of things. Defence is the ultimate team part of Rugby League, and that is where the energy and emotion comes out the most, but we can probably do it a little but smarter. I want to make us a really tough team to play against.”

Ellis forms part of a new-look coaching set-up in 2021, alongside head coach Brett Hodgson and fellow assistant Kieron Purtill, and the club’s back-to-back Challenge Cup winning captain explained the positive influence that Hodgson is having on the group since his arrival.

“I think the change has been good for the group. I’ve personally seen a positive change around the place. Like any club or business, there is a cycle and ultimately, a change allows for a bit of a reset and rethink, and allows for the slate to be wiped clean. 

“Brett has come in with some really good ideas and a fresh voice about where he thinks the club is at. As long as we are humble enough to accept that some results aren’t where they should have been over the last few years, there is a very good opportunity for us to build and look forward to some new ideas. I’m excited about it and grateful that I can be part of it.

Ellis also commented on the arrival of star half-back Josh Reynolds, adding: “The influence of someone like Josh Reynolds is massive for everyone at the club. 

“You can see the sort of impression he is having on those around him. He is the type of half-back I would have loved to play with, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and plays with aggression. 

“But also the influence he is having on some of the young lads in the likes of Ben McNamara and Jacob Hookem; he has loads of time for them. 

“And even the relationship with Sneydy is blossoming. They’re having plenty of discussion on and off the field, and having Jake and Danny in there too makes it a really strong spine of the team with different qualities. They all compliment each other.”

However, Ellis isn’t getting carried away, with six week of hard work still to go before the 2021 campaign gets underway.

“We don’t want to get carried away. The big thing for us now is consistency – something we have lacked for a while. 

“It is our job as coaches to maintain those high levels of standards and on-field effort from the players, which will hopefully result in some strong performances in the games.”