Member of the Week: Lennon Clark

Member of the Week: Lennon Clark

This week’s Member of the Week is Hull FC Scholarship player Lennon Clark, who has completed the ‘David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge’

Club News

It’s Members Monday, and this week’s Member of the Week is Hull FC Scholarship player Lennon Clark, who completed the ‘David Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge’ over the weekend!

15-year old Lennon incredibly ran four miles, every four hours, for 48 hours between Friday and Sunday, and has raised over £2,800 for Dove House Hospice – a charity close to his heart.

Lennon ran a total of twelve runs across the two days, only getting minimal rest inbetween runs, but being motivated by the support of his family, friends, teammates, and the Rugby League community.

The Year 10 student, who attends Malet Lambert School, plays for local community club Hull Wyke, as well as being named in the club’s Centre of Excellence roster for 2021 earlier this week.

Speaking to after completing his superb effort, Lennon said: “It was extremely challenging – to run four miles every four hours for two days, with very little rest is very difficult.

“But I managed to get a few hours of sleep, probably about eight hours in total across the weekend.

He added: “Eating in-between was tough, because after a run you don’t feel like eating – all you want is rest! But I was getting ice baths and rub-downs from my mum and dad which really helped.”

Explaining why he was motivated to take part in the challenge, he continued: “I did a leg with someone as part of their challenge a couple of weeks ago, and it inspired me to take part in my own challenge.

“I was raising money for Dove House Hospice here in Hull who deliver palliative care to people who sadly are suffering with terminal illnesses. My nana who was suffering with cancer spent time there before she sadly passed away, so I thought I would do my bit to help out and try to raise some money for them

“My grandma was also due to go into the hospice, but sadly she didn’t make it due to illness.”

Lennon has already raised over £2,800, and thanked the support of everyone around him, including those who took part in the challenge alongside him.

“The support of my family and friends, and everyone across the club motivated me even more, and seeing all those messages of support from fans, teammates, players and people who don’t even know me, really pushed me on.

“I’d like to thank all the people who ran with me too. My Scholarship coaches Rob Wilson and Kevin Marshall ran with me at midnight and into the early hours of Sunday morning!

“I was only hoping to raise around £150, but the generosity of the people of Hull has been amazing and I can’t thank people enough. Money is tight for a lot of people at the moment, so to have raised almost £3,000 is incredible.

“I’m feeling a bit sore now, but I’m relieved its over because my body is tired!”

You can still donate to Lennon’s effort, with all funds raised being donated to Hull’s Dove House Hospice. To donate online – click here