LDRL Squad Celebrate End-Of-Season Awards

LDRL Squad Celebrate End-Of-Season Awards

Hull FC’s LDRL side have hosted their end of season awards event.

Community News

Hull FC’s LDRL team have hosted their end-of-season awards event, with five awards given out to members of the squad!

Held at the Springhead Park Golf Club, all members of the squad were presented with a medal and certificate from Learning Disability Super League by first-team squad member Ben McNamara.

The squad celebrated the success of their inaugural full season in 2021, with preparations for the new campaign set to get underway after Christmas.

A full list of award winners can be found below:

Players’ Player of the Year – Martin Geddes

Supporters’ Player of the Year – Aaron Fairhead, James Nixon

Coaches Player of the Year – Declan Fletcher

Most Improved Player of the Year – Joshua Gooch

Speaking at the event, Hull FC LDRL head coach Brad Sugden, said: “It was a fantastic event to celebrate our players achievements in their inaugural season in the Learning Disability Super League.

“Every player in our team has come on leaps and bounds over the past year; not only in terms of their rugby ability, but as people too and it’s great to have played a small part in that this year. 

“Due to the restrictions in place during the early parts of 2021, our sessions were delivered virtually which was really tough but our players showed great commitment and resilience in attending in each week so to be able to get to a point were we can have a celebration of their achievements and their continued commitment this year is great reward for them.

He added: “The LDSL isn’t just about playing rugby, it’s about building friendships, improving mental well-being, improving confidence and building resilience. 

“The opportunity for social interactions between our players and supporters is huge for our team and you can see from the way they interact with each other that the sessions have had a huge positive effect on our team.”

“To see what it meant to the players, parents and supporters as the awards were given out was really rewarding. I’ve been blown away by the response on Sunday and we’re both really looking forward to what 2022 has in store.”

Training for the new LDRL season will resume on January 10th 2022 (6.00pm – 7.00pm) at the Hull FC Centre of Excellence, with new players welcome to attend.