The First Interview: Jordan Rapana

The First Interview: Jordan Rapana

Preparing to embark on a new chapter in his illustrious career, Jordan Rapana spoke to about why he is so excited to join the Black & Whites.

Club News

Preparing to embark on a new chapter in his illustrious career, Jordan Rapana spoke to about why he is so excited to join the Black & Whites.

How does it feel to sign for Hull FC?

“I’m really excited to get over there with the fans and I’m looking forward to getting over there to start winning some games.

“What was key for me was the fact that John Cartwright gave me my debut at the Titans, so him signing for Hull FC was a big tick in the box for me signing for the club.

“I’ve always enjoyed a challenge, and I think that playing in Super League will be a challenge. It’s a tough, physical league, but that’s what I build my game on, so I’m really keen to come over there and give it a crack.”

What do you already know about Hull FC?

“I know the city pretty well because I’ve stayed there with the Kiwis a couple of times before.

“I’d say of all of the cities in England, it’s probably the one where Rugby League dominates the most. The people from Hull – they live, breathe and sleep Rugby League!

“I know that historically, Hull FC are a strong Rugby League club. They’ve got an awesome fan base, so I’m looking forward to it.”

Give us your thoughts on John Cartwright…

“He knows his stuff and he’s been around the game for a very long time. I’d definitely say he’s walked his talk.

“He’s probably one of the best back-rowers/forwards that has played the game, so he’s been able to transfer his knowledge into coaching.

“For me, I just remember how much confidence he gave me as a young kid! I just loved him as a coach at the Titans because he’s a man’s man. He’s a man of his word. He’s as tough as they come and the same applies to his coaching style.

“He’s the perfect bloke for a club transition phase because he’s massive on culture. He’s massive on building that culture around hard work and that willingness to win at all costs, and they are two traits that me and John both have in common.”

What position do you see yourself playing for Hull FC?

“That’s a tough one, and probably a question that’s better suited for Carty. But predominantly this season I have been playing at full-back and I’ve absolutely loved it.

“Obviously, I’m happy to play anywhere. If I’m needed at full-back then I’ll be more than happy to fill in there, but I’m able to play anywhere across the backline and I’m sure Carty will use me wherever he needs me.”

After a decade at Canberra Raiders, how difficult was the decision to leave?

“Yeah, it wasn’t an easy decision. When you’ve been in an environment for such a long time, it’s never easy to just walk away from it without giving it some serious thought.

“I was born in New Zealand and I grew up in Gold Coast, but Canberra has become my home over the last however many years.

“There was an opportunity to sign a one-year extension at the Raiders. Obviously, the boys are off to Vegas next year, so there was that added incentive to maybe stick around, but I felt like the best decision for me was to come over to Hull and help Carty out.

“Canberra are going through a transitional period at the moment, and I felt like it was the right decision to move on. You know, moving to Hull is going to be a new experience for me and my family, and it’s something I’m really excited to embrace.”

What have you made to Hull’s recruitment for 2025 so far?

“It looks awesome. John [Asiata] has reached out to me already, and I know we’ll be spending a lot of time together in Hull. From what I’ve seen, he’s been absolutely killing it in Super League, so I think he’s going to be a wonderful signing.

“But what I would say is that on top of all of the recruitment Hull have done, it looks like there’s a great youth setup at the club.

“I watched a game against Wigan a few weeks ago and those young boys really caught my eye. I spoke to Carty and Richie Myler about the young lads and they were both really excited about the up-and-coming talent that the club has in its roster at the moment.

“I guess that Carty is looking to get as much experience around those boys as possible, so for me, I’m really looking forward to getting around those guys and helping them develop into great players.”

Can you shed some more light on how you share your experience with some of the younger players in the squad?

“Knowledge is power. Knowing what I know through my experience and sharing that with the young lads is important.

“Maybe it’s by staying on the field to do a bit of extra work with them after a session. Maybe it’s sitting down with them and watching a video back and offering some advice on what they could’ve done better, or giving them praise for something they’ve done well.

“Things like that can go a long way. As somebody from a position of experience, you lead by example, and you do that both on and off the field.”

Pick out some of your career highlights…

“Playing in the NRL Grand Final would have to be up there. Obviously we didn’t come away with the chocolates, but the whole week leading up to the game was incredible.

“It showed me that Grand Finals don’t come around often at all. I always tell young boys coming through that they should never take it for granted when you get the opportunity to play in big games. 

“Also, I played against Australia for the Kiwis in Leeds in 2022. It was a World Cup semi-final and it was a real battle! We ended up losing by two points, but it was a tough game of footy and one of the best I’ve been fortunate enough to play in.

“Growing up as a kid, representing my country was always going to be the pinnacle. Pulling on that black and white jersey is always special, and now I’ll have the opportunity to pull on another very iconic black and white jersey for Hull FC.”

How excited are you to play in Hull – a two club city?

“The first person to call me when they heard the news was one of my best mates, Josh Hodgson – obviously somebody who first played for FC and then moved to KR. He was absolutely stoked for me and he just said “wait until you get to the Derbies mate” so I’m really excited to sample that atmosphere.

“Obviously Peta Hiku, my Kiwis roomie, is at KR now. Jared [Warea-Hargreaves] is going there for next year. We’re all really close friends, but there’ll be a couple of days next year where we’ll be worst enemies.

“So I’ve been hearing plenty about the Derbies and I’m looking forward to giving it my best shot.”

Tell us a little bit more about Jordan Rapana…

“I think I’m a pretty chilled, easy-going guy. But in terms of footy, I don’t think I’d be able to name somebody who is more competitive than me.

“Winning is everything for me and I hate losing, so I’ll be bringing that attitude to Hull with me and try to turn things around.

“Outside of footy, I love to play golf, I love being a dad and I love being a husband.”