Shaul Excited To Utilise Rule Change

Shaul Excited To Utilise Rule Change

Jamie Shaul has explained how he can benefit from the ‘six again’ rule when matches resume in August, with the new rule set to be implemented for the first-time in the English game.

Club News

Jamie Shaul has explained how he can benefit from the ‘six again’ rule when matches resume in August, with the new rule set to be implemented for the first-time in the English game.

First seen in the NRL following the resumption of Rugby League in Australia in recent weeks, the rule means referees can award another six tackles rather than a penalty if a team uses ‘cynical’ methods to halt the momentum of an attack.

The introduction of the rule is aimed at reducing the number of stoppages in play with a reduction in penalties and less time spend at the play-the-ball, providing a ‘cleaner’ and faster game – something which the pacey full-back believes will suit him.

Speaking to, Shaul said: “With the six again rule, it’s really going to speed the game up and you’re going to have people making more tackles which obviously increases fatigue so hopefully I can make the most of it.

“I’ve seen a few games in the NRL where the new rule has been in place. It’s benefiting their competition.”

Shaul added: “The bigger boys are obviously going to be doing more work without that natural break where penalties would be – there’s where I want to jump on the back of it getting past those tired defenders in and around the ruck.

“It’s something we’ll cover over the next few weeks as the games get closer, but it’s more of a natural thing. You just need to keep your eye out for those gaps when you can and make the most of it.

The first-team squad returned to full-time training for the first time in four months on Monday, with the 28-year old expressing his relief to be back at the Jacuzzi Elite Performance Centre with the squad.

“The first day back went really well. Obviously it’s very different to how we would normally go about business at the training ground. We’ve got things like one-way systems in place, got to do your tests every day and we’re only training in small groups to start with, but it’s just good to be back. It’s been strange to be away for so long.

“Paul (Hatton) has been sending us fitness plans to complete at home during lockdown, but as time goes on, it’s difficult to find the motivation. Having 30 other blokes around you to motivate each other makes things a lot easier. But everybody did what they had to do to stay in shape.”