Foundation Receive Grant For ‘In It Together’ Disability Sport Project

Foundation Receive Grant For ‘In It Together’ Disability Sport Project

The Hull FC Foundation has received a grant of £5,860 for its ‘In It Together’ project.

Club News

Hull FC Rugby Community Sports and Education Foundation is celebrating after being awarded £5,860 of National Lottery funding from the Sport England: Return to Play Small Grants fund.

The Return to Play: Small Grants fund seeks to help support sport and physical activity groups, clubs and organisations in responding to the immediate challenges of returning to play in a Covid-safe manner.

Following a successful application, the grant will allow the Foundation to successfully deliver its ‘In it Together’ project once we have moved out of the latest lockdown restrictions.

Focused on supporting our disability sport pathways, the project is fundamentally focused on providing facilities for adults with a disability to re-engage in regular physical activity.

Richard Tate, Head of Sport and Wellbeing, said: “It is crucial that given the uncertainty of when disability rugby sessions will be allowed to recommence by the Rugby Football League, that alternative provision is offered to this high vulnerable group.

“These provisions need to ensure that they it keeps them engaged and benefiting from the physical and mental health benefits that physical activity supports.

“Following consultation with our participants, ‘In It Together’ will offer two weekly structured gym and fitness sessions using facilities within the Hull FC Youth Performance Centre across a one year period, delivered by two qualified wellbeing instructors on a Tuesday evening from 6pm to 7pm and a Thursday evening at the same time”.

For further information, please contact Richard Tate on