Mia Duke – Women’s Player in Focus

Mia Duke – Women’s Player in Focus

In the latest of our Hull FC Women’s Player in Focus features, we catch up with winger Mia Duke to find out more about her role within the side.

Club News

In the latest of our Hull FC Women’s Player in Focus features, we catch up with winger Mia Duke to find out more about her role within the side.

Tell us about how you are enjoying playing for the Hull FC Women.

I never thought I’d enjoying playing rugby as much as I do, I love playing for FC Women, they are a great bunch of girls down there and always a positive spirit despite things going on. I’ve also met friends for life and learning so much from Sam, he is a great coach for us! 

How are you finding life and training at the moment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?

COVID-19 has stopped a lot of things I enjoy and a lot of things I aspire to be. I am currently training to be a nurse but due to this it has put a stop to it for a while. I continue to work daily trying my best to help everyone out where I can.

However, it is difficult to remain positive, hence the reason why I enjoy the training and the extra fitness on the Zoom sessions, it’s also a great time to catch up with the girls and see how they’re coping too!

What’s your goals for the new season?

My goals for the new season are to get fit as I keep finding it easy to edge towards the fridge or the biscuit tin! Sam has currently set a range of different individual programmes for us which we are all sticking to in order to achieve in our new season!

We started with mainly home based exercises to help with strength work and now we have received individual field programmes for me to now get back on to a field on my own and start looking at running.   

How do you measure improvement in the group, have you noticed any improvements both individually and a group?

There has definitely been an improvement with the girls as everyone seems to be doing extra exercises daily in order to make sure that they’re ready and fit for the upcoming season.

I also have noticed how positive the team has got through this pandemic which is great to see and we all stick together! Our coach Sam has been brilliant and I couldn’t ask for a better coach! He Constantly checks in on us making sure we’re okay both physically and mentally,

Nothing is ever too much trouble for him and I couldn’t thank him enough for that and hope we can repay this when we get back to training and into some matches.